Third, the DICER1 proteins may regulate the transcription of the intergenic region from the individual and poultry -globin gene cluster [22], [23]

Third, the DICER1 proteins may regulate the transcription of the intergenic region from the individual and poultry -globin gene cluster [22], [23]. Confocal picture of PLA without addition of any principal antibodies.(MOV) (3.4M) GUID:?7774BA78-D238-495F-99AC-D228547278DA Desk S1: (DOC) pone.0023385.s005.doc (1.0M) GUID:?01A6E20D-1C58-4E4A-97C3-824BCC1E0A3B Abstract Individual DICER1 proteins cleaves double-stranded RNA into little sizes, an essential step in … Continue reading Third, the DICER1 proteins may regulate the transcription of the intergenic region from the individual and poultry -globin gene cluster [22], [23]